
PanelLostFocusFired when the panel loses input focus.
ValueChangedFired when any value changes are made to the property panel.
ValueChangingFired while changes are being made to the property panel.
ValuePosChangedFired after the selected cell changes.

Fired before the selected cell changes.


AfterUpdateUsed for converting the data entered in the cell (if applicable), and to track value changes.
BeforeUpdateUsed to check a property's data requirement state and pending changes to a value.
OnCheckChangedUsed to capture value changes to a checkbox property.
OnClickUsed to control the expand / collapse feature of the panel via arrow control.
OnComboClickedUsed to capture value changes to a dropdown property.
OnDblClickUsed to control the expand / collapse feature of the panel via group header.
OnInvalidDataUsed to check the cell's validation requirements.
OnLostFocusUsed to capture when the panel loses input focus.
OnOptionClickUsed to capture the option button clicks.
PosChangedUsed to capture when the selected cell changes.
PosChangingUsed to capture before the selected cell changes.