Creates an SRP List.


Handle = SRP_List_Create(InitialList, Delim)


A handle to a new SRP List.


InitialListAn OI list to initialize the new one. (OPTIONAL)
DelimThe InitialList's delimiter (OPTIONAL, @FM by default)


The SRP_List_Create method creates a new SRP List. An SRP List is a single-dimensiond dynamic array that is very fast for any process that is building large arrays.

Developers may initialize the new SRP List with an existing OI delimited array. Simply pass the array to the InitialList parameter and specify its delimiter in the Delim parameter. If you omit the Delim parameter, @FM is assumed. If you omit the InitialList parameter, an empty list is created.

IMPORTANT: You should always release the handle to an SRP List when you no longer need it by calling SRP_List_Release.


// Create an empty list
ListHandle = SRP_List_Create()

// Create a list from an @FM delimited array
InitArray = 1:@FM:2:@FM:3:@FM:4:@FM:5:@FM:6:@FM:7:@FM:8:@FM:9:@FM:10
ListHandle = SRP_List_Create(InitArray)

// Create a list from a comma delimited array
InitArray = "A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J"
ListHandle = SRP_List_Create(InitArray, ",")