The Impact Analysis dialog box displays when the user choose Impact Analysis... from the Entity menu. The display is shown below:

The Impact Analysis dialog box also displays when:

If you intended to delete an entity where such action would not affect another entity, then impact analysis would not apply.

Altered or Removed Entities

This list box contains any entities you propose to delete or modify. At least one entity will be highlighted, and the effects on related entities are shown in the Impact and Flagging window, below. Each change in highlighted entity produces a change in the Impact and Flagging window.

Impact and Flagging

The display in this window shows any potentially affected entity, for the entity highlighted in the Altered or Removed Entities window, above. The entities are displayed in an arrangement that shows, besides the entity identifier:

Entity Id:

The fully qualified entity identifier.

Flag Impacted Entities

The Add Notes... and Advanced... buttons are only available when this box is checked.

If checked (default), then, after the modification process you have specified, all entities that are affected by that action will show a red flag next to their name on the outliner. Refresh your screen (View-Refresh Outline), to see this effect.

When you next access the affected entity, the system presumes you have dealt with the effects of this change, and the flag disappears.