The Module Manager is a window used to manage SYSREPOSMODULES records. A SYSREPOSMODULES record can be created and edited using this window. The Module Manager will add and remove Module tags from the SYSREPOS records of the Entities added to or removed from the SYSREPOSMODULES record.

Module Id edit lineEnter the name of the Module to be edited. The modules are stored in the SYSREPOSMODULES table. The search button to the right of the Module Id will display a popup of saved Modules.
Repository Type/Class listA hierarchical list of Repository Types and Classes within the application. When a Type or Class is selected the entities within the type/class are displayed in the Entities list box for selection.
Entities listA list of Entities contained in the Type/Class selected in the Repository Type/Class list.

Multiple selection of Entities is permissable.

Entities in Module tableA list of repository items contained in the current SYSREPOSMODULES record.
Add Selected Entities buttonClicking this button will add the entities that are selected in the Entities list box to the Entities in Module table.
Remove Selected Entities buttonClicking this button will remove the entities that are selected in the Entities in Module table from the table.
Remove All buttonClicking this button will remove all the entities within the Entities in Module table from the table.
Save buttonSaves the SYSREPOSMODULES record.
Close buttonCloses the window.
Clear buttonClears the window.
Help buttonDisplays the Help topic.