
Method for designing entities by invoking the designer related to that entity.


object = Repository("DESIGN"entID)


The DESIGN method has the following parameters.

entIDentID consists of four elements, which are '*' (asterisk) delimited:
  • Application name
  • Type ID
  • Class ID
  • Entity name
 Methods are executed as follows: if class specific, execute at the class level; if type specific, execute at the type level; otherwise, execute the method.
param1handle to the window hosting the design tool. Pass the parent's window handle. Thus, if called from a button in a window, pass the handle for @window. Used for AppNotes, Connections, DataSets, Messages and Popups.


object - The name of the window that hosts the designer.

Note: Always call the Get_Status function after calling Repository.

See also

Repository() functionGet_Repos_Entities().


/* Launch the Message Designer for the NEW_MESSAGE message. */
Declare Function Repository, Get_Status
AppID = @APPID<1>  ;* current application
TypeID = "MSG"  ;* OpenInsight message
ClassID = ""  ;* Not Applicable
Message_Name = 'NEW_MESSAGE'
hwnd = Get_Property(@window,'HANDLE')
entid = AppID : '*' : TypeID : '*' : ClassID : '*' : Message_Name
result = Repository("DESIGN", entid, hwnd)
/*  for the message designer, result contains UI_MAIN, the host window for the User Interface designer. */
*  check for errors
If Get_Status(ErrCode) then
  call msg(@window, 'Error Message returned: ' : ErrCode)
  return 1