Raises a value to the power of another value.


Result = SRP_Math("POW", Value1, Value2, DecimalPlaces, ScientificNotation)


The result of Value1 raised to the Value2 power.


The POW operation raises Value1 to the Value2 power.

Both Value1 and Value2 can be any decimal or whole number, but if either one is too large, 0.0 is returned. There is no error returned because the limit is based on available memory.


// Calculate PI squared 
Val = "3.1415926535897932384626433832795"  
Result = SRP_Math("POW", Val, 2) 
!! Result = 9.86960440108935861883449099987613 !! 
// Calculate 2 to the 128 power, which is beyond 32 bit limits 
Result = SRP_Math("POW", 2, 128) 
!! Result = 340282366920938463463374607431800000000.0 !!