Computes the factorial of a value.


Result = SRP_Math("FACTORIAL", Value, "", DecimalPlaces, ScientificNotation)


The factorial of Value.


The FACTORIAL operation computes the factorial of Value. The factorial is the following algorithm:

N * (N - 1) * (N - 2) ... until N < 2.

Value must be an integer. No error is generated if Value is a decimal number, but the results will be nonsense.

You can specify FACT for short.


// Compute the factorial of 16 
Result = SRP_Math("FACTORIAL", "16") 
!! Result = 20922789888000.0 !! 
// Computing the factorial of PI doesn't really make sense 
Val = "3.14159" 
Result = SRP_Math("FACT", Val) 
!! Result = 1.08749826743204552961 !!