The Report Builder is a non-procedural tool for creating columnar reports. Report Builder is a wrapper for Rlist, a reporting and query language. Report Builder exists in the repository and can be used to create a report which can then be published to the web in HTML format using Inet_Rlist().

Report Builder must be started from the repository outline by pressing SHIFT+double-click on the OpenInsight window executable ORMAIN. A sample report definition (List) shows the Product ID, Description, and Price. This report definition is shown below:

To create a simple report choose a table from the Select menu, then choose columns from the table. You can also specify sort columns and row filters, to produce a comprehensive list type report.

Preview the report (as shown in the figure below) and save it when you are satisfied with the layout. The report displays similarly to the display shown below:

This report can now be published to the Web in HTML format. An example of such a report is shown below.

From a Web browser, the report is run using Inet_Rlist(), passing the Report_ID parameter, as shown below: REPORT_ID=List