Applies to

Edit table.


Allows you to sort the contents of an edit table by a specified column.


column = Get_Property (edittablename"SORTEDCOL")

oldcolnumber = Set_Property (edittablename"SORTEDCOL"column[:@FM:sortvalue])


Depending on the following values, the edit table could be sorted in alphabetic (left justified) or numeric (right justified) order. When sorting alphabetically, you can also enforce the ability of the edit table to continue to maintain sorted order as new rows are inserted.

sortvalue can be one of the following:

0Descending, alphabetic, one-time sort.
1Ascending, alphabetic, one-time sort.
2Descending, numeric, one-time sort.
3Ascending, numeric, one-time sort.
4Descending, alphabetic, maintain sorting.
5Ascending, alphabetic, maintain sorting.

For Set_Property(), pass column = 0 to stop maintaining the sort (applicable after sortvalue 4 or 5 is used).

See Also

V119 (Sort) subroutine