Applies to

All controls, menu items.


Allows a disabled control to issue an event, or disables a control.


enabledstatus = Get_Property (objectname, "ENABLED")

existingprop = Set_Property (objectname, "ENABLED", state)


Values passed in Set_Property:

ValuePossible ValuesDescription
State1The control is available to the user at run-time.
 0The control cannot receive focus and is displayed in a disabled manner.
 -1The control cannot receive focus and is displayed in a disabled manner with the standard Windows graphical representation .


Values returned by both Get_Property and Set_Property:

enabledstatusState of control.
existingpropState of control when Set_Property was called.

Note: With the release of OpenInsight 7.0, the ENABLED property may be set to a -1. This will set the control's disabled look to a "Windows Disabled" look.

See Also

READONLY property