
The Send_Info subroutine sets the text for the system receiver. If no receiver has been set, the subroutine displays a line of text in the OpenInsight System Monitor.


Send_Info (text)


The Send_Info subroutine has the following parameter:

TextThe text to display in the status line or System Monitor.

See also

STATUSLINE propertySetDebugger("SPY")


While the system receiver is often whichever control has been set to be the STATUSLINE for a form, it is the system receiver which currently has focus in which the message is displayed. This function is particularly useful for debugging programs; it can be used to display information in the System Monitor without interrupting processing (like the debugger and messages do). In conjunction with SetDebugger("SPY"), you can suppress or display event information on the System Monitor.


* example 1: clear status line (if there is a status line)
Send_Info(" ")
* example 2: display a debugging message in the System Monitor
  (if there is no status line) */
if assigned(x) then
  Send_Info("Value of x is ": quote(x))
end else
  Send_Info("Value of x is not assigned")