
RTI_TASKMANAGER is a support routine that manages the processing of background tasks, possibly creating additional OInsight.exe instances to perform those tasks.

It is a member of the RTI_TASK_xxx programs.


Rslt = RTI_TASKMANAGER(numberofqueues)


The function has the following parameters:

NumberofqueuesThe maximum number of OInsight.exe instances to launch to process tasks that have been queued.



The RTI_TASKMANAGER is a utility routine that is never directly invoked by the user; an instance of OpenInsight will automatically call the RTI_TASKMANAGER routine if it is running as the “background task manager.” The number of queues (which controls the maximum number of OpenInsight instances the background task manager can create to process the tasks) is controlled by the configuration record CFG_AUTOEXEC in the SYSENV table.

The configuration record should contain “RTI_TASKMANAGER” in field 1 (or field 1 may be left blank), and field 2 should contain the number of queues the background task manager should manage.

The specific record used for the configuration will be either CFG_AUTOEXEC*<appid>*<user> (where <appid> is the name of the application, and <user> is the name of the user), or CFG_AUTOEXEC**<user>, or CFG_AUTOEXEC*<appid>, or CFG_AUTOEXEC; OpenInsight will use the most specific configuration record found.

See Also