
The function that is called by OECGI.EXE before it calls any Internet procedure specified in the HTTP-request.

Note: OpenInsight ships with the source code of this function, as a stored procedure in SYSPROG.


return = Inet_Security (Request, InetProcName)


The Inet_Security function has the following parameters:

Request[in] HTTP-request
InetProcName[in] Name of Internet procedure that is about to be called


An empty string to allow the call or valid HTML script with an error message; this message is immediately passed back to the client.

See also



To restrict running Inet_ procedures to the SALES user, do the following:


function INET_Security(Request, FnName)
* Project    : OpenInsight for Internet
* Name       : INET_Security
* Description: Security check point for a request
* Parameters:
*              Request    [in/out] -- HTTP request (see INET_EQUATES)
*              FnName     [in/out] -- name of a function that is
*                                     about to be executed (starts with
*                                     INET_)
*              returns    [out]    -- emty string to allow request or
*                                     message in html format to stop the
*                                     request
*                                     and pass it back to a client
* Note:
*              Parameters "Request" and "Function" are passed by
*              reference which makes it possible to change the function
*              name and/or request parameters on a fly by intelligent
*              security procedure
$insert Logical
$insert Inet_Equates
declare subroutine Send_Event
HtmlMessage = '' ;* assume success
* put your authorization check code here
if @username <> 'SALES' then
  HTMLMessage = "<B>You are not authorized to run " : FnName
end else
  HtmlMessage = ''
* if authorization failed -- log the failure
if len(HtmlMessage) then
Send_Event(GS_MONITOR$, 'OMNIEVENT', 'OUTCOMING', 'Authorization failed')
return HtmlMessage
After you compile the changed program, only the SALES user can run Internet procedures.