A complete list of all forms: databound, dialog boxes, and toolbars. These are grouped by purpose.

Primary Application MDI Form

FW_MAINThe application entry point. All application features will launch from this form's menus, toolbar, or shortcut bar.

SRP FrameWorks Managers

DBW_AUDIT_MANAGERManages the audit settings for database tables.
DBW_HELP_MANAGERManages the help text for any control of any form.
DBW_REPORT_MANAGERManages the reports available to the application. Reports are assigned to groups.
DBW_SECURITY_POLICIESManages the list of components which are controlled by the security system.
DBW_USER_MANAGERManages the application users.
FW_COMMAND_MANAGERManages all the commands in the application.
FW_RIBBON_MANAGERManages the setup and display of the frame's ribbon control.
NDW_PRINT_MANAGERManages the default printer assignment for any report group.

Sample MDI Children

DBW_SAMPLE1A single-page sample MDI Child form. A corresponding commuter module is included.
DBW_SAMPLE2A multi-page sample MDI Child form. A corresponding commuter module is included.
DBW_SAMPLE3A tabbed multi-page sample MDI Child form. A corresponding commuter module is included.
DBW_SAMPLE4A sample MDI Child form with a tab and shortcut bar. A corresponding commuter module is included.
DBW_SAMPLE5A sample MDI Child form with a selectable theme. A corresponding commuter module is included.

Utilities and Tools

DBW_AUTO_SHUTDOWNEnables the auto-shutdown feature for application maintenance.
DBW_GROUP_ACCESSManages the group (or role) based security profiles.
NDW_ABOUTDisplays information about the application and operating environment.
NDW_AUDIT_TRAILDisplays the entire audit trail for a specific Key ID in a specific table.
NDW_AUDIT_VIEWERDisplays an entire record in raw format from a historical point in time.
NDW_CONTROL_MANAGEREnables the assignment of security access to controls for a specific form.
NDW_HELPDisplays pre-defined help for a specific control.
NDW_LOGINPrimary application security login screen.
NDW_REPORTSDisplays the list of available reports for the current user.
NDW_SEQUENTIAL_KEYSUtilities that allows the re-assignment of the default sequential key value for a table.
NDW_USER_LOGINSDisplays information about all of the currently logged in users.

Input Dialogs

NDW_DATEPrompts the user for a date entry. Can be customized using replaceable parameters.
NDW_DATE_2Prompts the user for a date entry. Can be customized using replaceable parameters.
NDW_DATE_RANGEPrompts the user for a date range entry. Can be customized using replaceable parameters.
NDW_DATE_RANGE_2Prompts the user for a date range entry. Can be customized using replaceable parameters.
NDW_LOCK_RECORDDisplays information regarding a locked record. Used by the Lock_Record stored procedure.
NDW_RANGEPrompts the user for a general range entry. Can be customized using replaceable parameters.
NDW_WINDOW_OPTIONSDisplays available form options (aka "softkeys") for the current window.

SRP Utilities

SRP_EDITORCreate, edit, and compile stored procedures. Work with records and operating system files.
SRP_FORM_COPYCreates a duplicate of a specific form and its commuter module.
SRP_METRICS_VIEWERDisplays the metrics for the current desktop theme. Useful for code that needs to adjust control locations.
SRP_RSUCustomizable utility for users to perform record searches in the active form.
SRP_TABLE_SEARCHGlobal search utility. Works directly with the SRP Editor.