
Returns a unique operating system filename, constructed using the workstation ID and a unique number. The most common use is to do an external sort using the V119 subroutine. The filename will have the .SFX extension.

Note: You can change the Sort Path in the Environment Setting dialog of the Database Manager, as shown below:

The sort files will be placed in the path designated in the Sort Path. However, the setting will not be recognized immediately. You need to log off of OpenInsight. After you log on, the new Sort Path will be recognized.


Unique_Filename = Get.Sort.File()


No parameters are required.


A filename unique to the workstation running OpenInsight. It can be used as the SortFile parameter for V119, or opened by any program requiring a unique filename for each workstation.

See also

V119 (String Sort) subroutineSet_Sort_File function


* SortFile will contain the name of a unique filename.
SortFile = Get.Sort.File()