By: Don Bakke
By itself, OpenInsight is a very powerful and scalable database product that can serve the needs of most small to medium sized businesses. Occasionally, companies require a more robust and enterprise capable system. In the multi-valued market the leader of the pack is IBM’s U2 database product line. However, while many attempts have been made to extend U2 systems into the modern world of GUI and the Web, very few make this easy and flexible. OpenInsight for U2 brings the best of both worlds together.
Attendees in this presentation will discover:
This presentation is geared to anyone interested in seeing the potential advantages of combining the power of the OpenInsight front-end toolset with the performance of U2 databases. No prior knowledge of either product is necessary.
By: Frank Tomeo
As applications become more complex and sophisticated so do the utilities that are required to support them. As a leader and pioneer in advanced OpenInsight application development, SRP has written several tools to aid in many of the tasks that require optimum performance or ease of use. Most of these are now available in a free product called SRP Utilities. This presentation will provide a thorough overview of each utility and how they can best be used. Some of the features covered will include:
This presentation is geared for all levels of OpenInsight development. Everyone is encouraged to attend as one or more of these utilities will likely spark new ideas for product features or enhanced development techniques.
By: Kevin Fournier
For years InstallShield has been the leader in product installation. However, as its prices have increased and its toolset has grown more complex, software vendors everywhere are turning to alternatives. The Nullsoft Scriptable Install System (NSIS) has emerged as the product of choice for the flexibility and complete control it gives to the developer. Furthermore, NSIS is free!
Nevertheless, NSIS comes with learning curves and using it to install deployment upgrades requires some outside help. Attendees will receive knowledge and free material for the following:
This presentation is vital for any vertical application vendor that needs to ship OpenInsight software products into the marketplace with a professional polish. However, general consultants might also want to consider this as a way to deploy updates to their clients.
By: Paul Simonsen
Applications would cease to work without the benefit of event handlers. Therefore, a proper understanding of the event handler chain is essential to get the most productivity and functionality out of OpenInsight. Now with direct support for creating and managing Promoted Events within the Event Designer tool, mastering the event chain is easier than ever before. Attendees will learn the following:
This presentation will benefit any developer who desires a better understanding of OpenInsight event handlers. These principles will lead to more powerful and better managed applications.