Tiles the MDI Children of a subclassed MDICLIENT control

Added in 4.1.6


Send_Message(Ctrl, "OLE.Tile", CtrlId, Orientation)


CtrlIdThe unique identifier of a subclassed MDICLIENT control
OrientationDetermines how the MDI children will be tiled.


The Tile method can be used to arrange all the MDI children so that they fit within the MDICLIENT without the need for scrolling. The more child windows there are, the smaller these tiles will be. There are three orientation options for tiling:

0The MDI children are stacked horizontally
1The MDI children are stacked vertically
2The MDI children are evenly stacked, as best as possible, both horizontally and vertically

Orientations 0 and 1 mimic the behavior of the TILE event in OI. In fact, you can still use the TILE event to get the same effects. If, however, you want a new and improved tiling algorithm, you must call this method and use orientation 2.

Orientation 2 attempts to even out the tiling to limit windows from being too squished to be usable.


// Tile the MDI children of an already subclassed MDICLIENT control
Send_Message(@Window:".OLE_SUBCLASS", "OLE.Tile", @Window:".MDICLIENT", 2)