The AM name for a given locale.

Name = SRP_Time("AmName", NameLength = "Full", Locale = "")


The cultural specific name for AM.


NameLengthHow the name is to be returned: options are "Full" or "Abbreviated". (OPTIONAL)
LocaleA locale for culture specific names. (OPTIONAL)


The "AmName" service retrieves the cultural specific name for AM. The value returned depends on two factors: NameLength and Locale. NameLength can be on of two options: "Full" returns the longest AM name used in that culture and "Abbreviated" returns the culture's AM abbreviation. Locale is the locale name used to target a specific language.

Here is a sample of possible return values. The top row is the Locale value and the left column is the NameLength value:

FullAMa. m.a


// Get the AM name in the local culture
Name = SRP_Time("AmName")

// Get the abbreviated AM name in the local culture
Name = SRP_Time("AmName", "Abbreviated")

// Get the abbreviated AM name in Spain
Name = SRP_Time("AmName", "Abbreviated", "es-ES")