A datetime's day.

Day = SRP_DateTime("Day", Datetime)


The day component of an OI datetime.


DatetimeAn datetime in OI internal format. (REQUIRED)


The "Day" service returns the day component of an OI datetime, which is assumed to be in OI's internal format. The day component would the day of the datetime's month and year, e.g., if an OI datetime represents March 30, 1978 at 12:41pm, this service would return 30. If the given datetime is not a valid date, "" is returned.


// Get today's day of the month
Day = SRP_DateTime("Day", DateTime())

// Get today's day of the month in UTC
Day = SRP_DateTime("Day", SRP_DateTime("Today", 1))

// Get a hard coded datetime's day of the month
Day = SRP_Date("Day", -9519.67241898148)

// Parse a datetime's day of the month
Date = SRP_Date("Parse", "Thursday, March 30, 1978 at 12:41:08pm", "DDD, MMMM D, YYYY at h:mm:sstt")
Day = SRP_Date("Day", Date)