New tools can be intimidating to use. Sometimes it is helpful to review a general outline of the tool's functionality before jumping in. The following information is intended for just this purpose.

A Typical Work Flow

Defining our Resource

Developers start by thinking about a resource they want to expose to the internet. A resource can be almost anything, but typically a resource will have a close relationship to a database table in the OpenInsight application. To illustrate, we'll define a resource that relates to a CUSTOMERS database table.

We'll use the Resource Manager to define our resource. Most of the time, our resources will appear directly underneath the API endpoint (i.e., they are primary resources). To do this we select the api resource node from the Resource Manager tree view, click on the New Resource button, and enter the name of the new resource:

Enabling our Methods

Once our resource has been defined, we need to enable those HTTP methods that we want to support. This