Fired when the user double clicks a time block.


TimeBlockIDID of the time block
ButtonThe button used to double click
ShiftFlag indicating whether or not the Shift key is pressed
CtrlFlag indicating whether or not the Control key is pressed


The OnTimeBlockDblClick event fires when the user double clicks a time block. The TimeBlockID parameter provides the unique ID of the time block involved and can be used directly with any properties requiring a time block ID. The Button parameter provides the name of the button used to perform the double click while the Shift and Ctrl parameters provide the states of the Shift and Control keys respectfully.


Transfer Param1 to TimeBlockID 
Transfer Param2 to Button 
Transfer Param3 to Shift 
Transfer Param4 to Ctrl 

// Open the time block form passing the ID to the CreateParam 
Start_Window("DBW_TIMEBLOCK", "", TimeBlockID)

See Also
