Enables or disables redrawing of the control when setting properties.


Set_Property(OLECtrlEntID, "OLE.Redraw", Boolean)


[True | False]

Default: True


The Redraw property specifies whether or not the control redraws itself each time a property is changed or a method is called. Set this property to 0 before calling a block of properties and methods, and then set it back to 1 to redraw the control in its final state.

For large and complicated schedule there is increasingly complicated processing involved in recalculating the size and position of all the appointments, which is often done just before the schedule is redrawn. Thus, it is highly recommended that you use the Redraw property to increase control performance.


// Temporarily disable redrawing 
Set_Property(@Window:".OLE_SCHEDULE", "OLE.Redraw", 0) 

// Do lots of property changes and method calls here... 

// Now redraw the edit table 
Set_Property(@Window:".OLE_SCHEDULE", "OLE.Redraw", 1)