The index of the currently displayed image frame.


Set_Property(OLECtrlEntID, "OLE.Frame", Value)


Value can be any positive or negative whole number:

Default: 1


The Frame property represents the index of the currently visible frame. Frames are created by first setting the Image property, then setting the FrameCount property. By default, frame 1 is shown, but you can use this property to change images programmatically by just setting this property to another valid frame index. If you set this property to an invalid index (less than one or greater than the number of frames set by the FrameCount property), then the property is set back to the first frame.

This property can be used in conjuction with a TIMER event to create animation. However, the picture control does support sequential animation via its Animated and AnimationDelay properties.

If the Animated property is set to 1, then this property is automatically updated every time the frame changes.

See Also
