OLE control properties are the primary means of interacting with OLE controls. Properties, much like OI control properties, describe the persistent attributes of the control, that is, attributes having some meaningful value for the entire life of the control. Like OI control properties, OLE control properties are manipulated using the Get_Property and Set_Property routines. The following properties apply to the SRP Panel Control:

PropertyDescriptionVersion Introduced
ActiveFormThe currently visible embedded form.4.0.2
BackgroundThe panel's background color fill. 
BorderThe control's border style. 
BorderColorsCustomizes the colors of an SRP ActiveX Control's border.3.1.0
CancelCancels the parent form closing4.0.0
HeightThe height of the panel's scrollable pane. 
LeftThe position of the horizontal scrollbar. 
ProgIDThe control's ProgId/Class Name. 
TopThe position of the vertical scrollbar. 
VersionThe control's version info. 
WidthThe width of the panel's scrollable pane.