The algorithm used to render text.


Set_Property(OLECtrlEntID, "OLE.TextRenderStyle", Option)


Option can be one of the following values:

"Classic"Uses classic text rendering
"EditField"Renders text the same way it is rendered in an EDITFIELD control.


The TextRenderStyle property gives the developer some control over how text is rendered in a cell. The "Classic" renderer uses an algorithm we wrote originally with the edit table. The downside to this algorithm is that it uses a WinAPI that does not use the same rendering technique as the an EDITFIELD control. The reason this might be a problem is that we use EDITFIELD controls when you enter into edit mode. So, in rare circumstances, it's possible the text will not look the same in the cell as it did in edit mode, specifically when it comes to tab sizes. For this reason, we added the option to set this property to "EditField" to get the same rendering as edit mode. Why not always use "EditField?" Because the "EditField" option uses a different word wrapping algorithm that might be less appealing (for example, it doesn't always respect word breaks as expected).

Most users will leave this property alone. The only ones that might really care are the one's concerned about perfectly matching the way text is rendered while in edit mode.


// Render text the same way it is rendered in edit mode
Set_Property(@Window:".OLE_EDITTABLE", "OLE.TextRenderStyle", "Editcontrol")