Establishes whether a cell is single-lined or multi-lined.


Set_Property(OLECtrlEntID, "OLE.CellMultilined[field; record]", Boolean)


[True | False]

Default: False


fieldIndex to an existing field
recordIndex to an existing record


The CellMultilined property establishes whether a cell's text is always one line or can have multiple lines. Single-lined cells behave similarly to OI Edit Table cells. Multi-lined cells allow users to press Enter and add more lines of text. When in edit mode, multi-lined cells also allow the user to stretch the edit box to see more text.

When getting or setting this property, the edit table swaps the currently established multiline delimiter with carriage return-line feeds and vise versa. By default, the multiline delimiter is the text mark (@TM), but you can change this via the MultilineDelim property.

See Also
