The text to be displayed in a status bar.


Set_Property(OLECtrlEntID, "OLE.StatusBarText", Text)


Text can contain anything.

Default: ""


In most cases, this property serves as a place to store the text that is to be displayed in a status bar when the mouse floats over the button. From a purely OI implementation, the text must be manually extracted from this property and given to an OI label control serving as a status bar. However, if you have an SRP StatusBar control on the form, then you can have the text in this property automatically appear in the status bar when the mouse floats over the button. For more information, see the SRP StatusBar's PaneType property.


// Set the button's status bar text and have it automatically sent to the SRPStatusBar control 
Set_Property(@Window:".OLE_BUTTON", "OLE.StatusBarText", "This is my button's status bar text.") 
Set_Property(@Window:".OLE_STATUSBAR", "OLE.PaneType[1]", "SRP Status"