A user defined field for a single appointment.

Version Introduced: 4.1


Set_Property(OLECtrlEntID, "OLE.ApptField[ID; FieldName]", Value)


Any custom value.


IDUnique ID of an existing appointment
FieldNameThe name of the field whose value to get or set


Every appointment can have custom fields associated with them. Use this field to set or get an individual appointment's custom field value. If the field doesn't exist, it will simply return "". Think of it like the User Defined Property feature of OpenInsight. Instead of attaching custom data to a control, you can attach it to an individual appointment. This can make your code a lot cleaner by not having to maintain external lookup structures.

Setting a field doesn't do anything visibly within the Schedule control. It's a convenient way to store additional data.

If you need to set several fields at once for an appointment, use the ApptFields property.


// Set a field
Set_Property(@Window:".OLE_SCHEDULE", "OLE.ApptFlag[Appt0001;CustomerId]", "0012") 

// Get a field
CustId = Get_Property(@Window:".OLE_SCHEDULE", "OLE.ApptFlag[Appt0001;CustomerId]")

See Also
