The order in which columns are grouped for hierarchical display of rows.


Set_Property(OLECtrlEntID, "OLE.GroupOrder", Array)


Array has the following structure:

<1>Column IndexIntegerIndex to a column to group by""


The GroupOrder property establishes how rows are grouped. Grouped rows can conveniently be expanded or contract by the user for easy navigation. For instance, you could group emails by the date.

The GroupOrder property is an @FM delimited list of column indexes. The list is interpreted in order and quantity. So, if you specify only one column, then the rows are grouped only by that column. Specify two columns, the rows are grouped by the first column, then grouped by the second column.

To remove all groups, simply set this property to an empty string "".


// Group by the first column 
Set_Property(@Window:".OLE_RECORDTABLE", "OLE.GroupOrder", 1) 

// Remove all groups 
Set_Property(@Window:".OLE_RECORDTABLE", "OLE.GroupOrder", "") 

// Group by the 3rd column, then by the 2nd one 
Set_Property(@Window:".OLE_RECORDTABLE", "OLE.GroupOrder", 3:@FM:2)

See Also


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