Versions Compared


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Below is sample code to warehouse the PRODUCTS table, in the EXAMPLES sample application, to a Microsoft SQL Server table named OI_PRODUCTS in the PUBS database.  The The code is similar to Warehousing the PRODUCTS Table to Microsoft Access, with some subtle differences.  These These differences are highlighted below and discussed in the next topic. 

Code Block
declare subroutine msg
$insert XO_Equates
$insert Msg_Equates
$insert logical
* returns @rm/@fm delimited results
Results = ""
Equate CRLF$ to char(13):char(10)
hXO = XOInstance ("PUBS", 'ODBC', 'sa', '', '', XO_NOTRANS$)
hQry = 0
if hXO then
   * create the query handle for the connection handle
   hQry = QryInstance(hXO)
   if hQry then
      * drop OI_PRODUCTS
        Script = "drop table oi_products"
        Flag = QryMethod(hQry, QRY_EXECUTE$, Script)
      if Flag then
         call msg(@window, 'OI_PRODUCTS table dropped successfully!')
      end else
         gosub error
      * create the OI_PRODUCTS table
      Script  = "create table oi_products ("
      Script := "       id varchar(22) primary key not null, "
      Script := "       description varchar(50), "
      Script := "       price money, "
      Script := "       image_filename varchar(50), "
      Script := "       order_date datetime);"
      Flag = QryMethod(hQry, QRY_EXECUTE$, Script)
      if Flag then
         call msg(@window, 'OI_PRODUCTS table created successfully!')
      end else
         gosub error
      * populate the OI_PRODUCTS table from the PRODUCTS table.
      open 'PRODUCTS' to products_filevar then
         open 'DICT.PRODUCTS' to @dict then
            select products_filevar
            done = FALSE$      
               readnext @id else done = TRUE$
            until done = TRUE$
               read @record from products_filevar, @id then
                   Script  =  "insert into oi_products "
                   Script :=  "(id, description, price, image_filename, order_date)   values ("
                   Script :=  "'" : @ID                   : "', "
                   Script :=  "'" : {DESCRIPTION}         : "', "
                   Script :=  "CONVERT(Money, '" : oconv({PRICE},'MD2,$'): "'), "
                   Script :=  "'" : {IMAGE_FILENAME}      : "', "
                   order_date = {ORDER_DATE}
                   if order_date = '' then
                      Script :=  "NULL)"
                   end else
                      Script :=  "'" : oconv({ORDER_DATE},"D4/") : "')"
                   call msg(@window, Script)                                   
                   Flag = QryMethod(hQry, QRY_EXECUTE$, Script)
                   if Flag else
   gosub error
      * close the query handle
      Flag = QryMethod(hQry, QRY_DESTROY$)
   end else
      gosub error
  * close the connection
  Flag = XOMethod(hXO, XO_DESTROY$)
end else
   gosub error
return 0
* Error handling
   if hQry then
      Flag = QryMethod(hQry, QRY_GETERROR$, "", "", "",|
   end else
      Flag = XOMethod(hXO, QRY_GETERROR$, "", "", "", |
   convert @vm to @tm in Text
   Def = ""
   Def<MTEXT$>    = Text
   Def<MCAPTION$> = "ExecuteScript Error"
   Def<MICON$>    = "!"
   Msg(@window, Text)
   Results = ""