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This chapter contains reference information for keywords, format modifiers and file creation using the Run_Report command.

Run_Report subroutineRuns Report Builder reports.
AVERAGEThe AVERAGE Run_Report keyword is used to generate the average of a numeric column and display it at the end of the report.
BREAK-ONBreak-On causes Run_Report to put a physical break in the report as the value of a column changes.
By and By-DSNDSorts data within a Run_Report report.
COLFONTUse Colfont to set the font for a specific column in a report
COLHDRFONTUse COLHDRFONT to set the font for the entire header row.
COLHEADUse COLHEAD to create an alternate column heading for a column.
COLSHADEThis Run_Report keyword is used to set the percentage of shading on a column within the report.
COLSIZEUsed to determine the width of a column within a Run_Report statement.
COL-HDR-SUPPCOL-HDR-SUPP suppresses the column headings (column titles) that are automatically printed at the top of each page for each column being displayed.
DBL-SPCThe modifier DBL-SPC causes a blank line to be printed between each row on the report.
DET-SUPPUsed with Total and Average, DET-SUPP causes a value to be printed at the bottom of the report, and a subtotal or average to be printed at each control break.
FONTUse Font to set the default font for the body of the report.
FootingThe Footing keyword will cause Run_Report to produce a running page footing (text at the bottom of each page). The footing can contain text, page numbers, dates, and other information.
FTRFONTUse FTRFONT to set the font for the report footer.
Grand-TotalGrand-Total changes the text that accompanies the final total generated by the Total keyword within a Run_Report statement..
GRIDGRID will print gridlines between the columns and rows.
HeadingThe Heading keyword will cause the Run_Report command to produce a running page heading. The heading can contain text, page numbers, dates, and other information.
HDRFONTUse Hdrfont to set the font for the report heading.
ID-SUPPRun_Report will always print the key column in the leftmost column of the report. ID-SUPP causes this column not to be printed.
JustLenUse the keyword JustLen to override the justification or display length of a column as stored in the dictionary. You can override the justification or display length separately, or can combine the override specification in one command.
LANDSCAPELANDSCAPE will print the report in landscape mode.
LEGALLEGAL will print the report to legal sized paper dimensions.
LimitThe Limit keyword restricts the output of data from a multi-valued column to those values that meet specified criteria.
LPTRThe use of any of these keywords will send the report directly to the default printer.
(MPreviews the report in a maximized preview window.
MARGINSUse MARGINS to specify the margin for pages within a report.
NUMCOLUMNSUse NUMCOLUMNS to repeat the selected columns of data within a report.
OConvUse the keyword OConv to specify a new or alternate output conversion (output format) for a column.
(PThe use of any of these keywords will send the report directly to the default printer.
PAPERSIZEUse PAPERSIZE to print reports to a specific papersize.
PORTRAITPORTRAIT will print the report in portrait mode.
PRINTERThe use of any of these keywords will send the report directly to the default printer.
SCREENSCREEN will send the report to the preview window. By default all Run_Report commands use this setting.
TThe T keyword is used to print the total rows processed at the bottom of the report.
TotalTotal is used to generate the sum of a numeric column and display it at the end of a report generated through Run_Report.
USINGThe Using keyword causes the Run_Report to use a dictionary other than the dictionary of the table being listed or selected.
Using Format Modifiers in Run_Report StatementsThe various format modifier keywords can be inserted anywhere into a Run_Report statement (as long as they are not in the middle of a clause).
File Creation Using Run_ReportThe Run_Report facility allows for the creation of various file types, such as PDF, HTML and RTF. This is accomplished through the use of keywords in the Run_Report statement.



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