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A close look at event driven processing reveals discrete, self-contained objects that interact based on user action, not on a pre-determined system flow. Objects communicate with other objects by sending messages about events that occur in the application. When an object receives a message, a response is triggered and some activity occurs in the application.

Event messages can be sent in two ways - automatically by the operating system in response to some physical event, such as the click of a mouse or the pressing of a key; or, programmatically, when you want to change the state of an object, initiate some other process, or simulate a physical action.

This chapter contains a summary listing of OpenInsight events, arranged in alphabetical order. Available information includes a brief description of each event, syntax, an explanation of parameters, as well as sources of other information on the event (where applicable). Icons are used to label eventswhose default event handler was designed to be used exclusively with Lotus Notes, or with OpenInsight native data.

For more information on OpenInsight events, refer to the Guide to Application Development.

OpenInsight Events Reference

ACTIVATEDOccurs when a window or control on a window gets focus. Activating an MDI child also activates the frame
ARRANGEICONSArranges MDI children inside client area
BUTTONDOWNOccurs when the mouse button is pressed.
BUTTONUPOccurs when the mouse button is released.
CALCULATECalculates fields based on the control or cell (in an edit table) losing focus.
CASCADECascades all MDI children within the frame.
CHANGEDOccurs when a user has taken an action that might have altered text.
CHAROccurs when a character is entered.
CLEARClears the form.
CLICKOccurs when a user presses, then releases, the mouse button over a control.
CLOSEOccurs when a window closes.
COLSIZEOccurs when a column width changes.
CREATEOccurs as a window begins execution.
DBLCLKOccurs when a user double-clicks the mouse button over a control.
DDEADVISEOccurs when a DDE server application notifies OpenInsight that a data item has changed.
DDEERROROccurs when a DDE communication fails.
DELETEUsed to delete a record.
DELETEROWOccurs when a row is deleted from an edit table.
DRAGDROPThis event is fired at a drop target control in response to data being dropped into it.
DRAGOVERThis event is fired at a drop target control in response to data being dragged into, over and out of it.
DRAGENDThis event is fired at a drag source control in response to data being dragged from it.
DRAGSTARTThis event is fired at a drag source control in response to data being dragged from it.
DROPDOWNOccurs when the list portion of a combo box is about to drop-down.
DSOABSGo to the specified absolute row in the DataSet or refresh the form to reflect DataSet changes.
DSOCLEARClear the records in the DataSet.
DSOCOMMITEvent that triggers writing of DataSet updates to the data source.
DSODELETEDeletes the current record from the DataSet object.
DSOEXECUTEExecutes a DataSet definition script to establish a DataSet object.
DSOFIRSTGo to the first record in the DataSet.
DSOINSERTInserts a record into the DataSet object.
DSOINSTANCEThis event is executed before the create event for the window and allows you to circumvent the normal event processing that creates the DataSet used by the window.
DSOLASTGo to the last record in the DataSet.
DSONEXTGo to the next (positional) record in the DataSet.
DSOPREVGo to the previous (positional) record in the DataSet.
DSOROLLBACKActs on the DataSet, rolling back any changes since last commit.
DSOSETPARAMPasses parameters to the DataSet definition script.
GOTFOCUSOccurs when focus shifts to the control.
HELPProgrammer defined; usually occurs when user selects a menu item or uses an accelerator key combination to get additional information.
HSCROLLOccurs when a window is scrolled horizontally.
INACTIVATEDOccurs when a window and all of the child windows (if applicable) no longer have focus.
INSERTROWOccurs when a row gets inserted into an edit table.
IXLOOKUPLooks up index.
LOSTFOCUSOccurs when focus passes from a control to anywhere else.
MENUOccurs when a user selects a menu item.
MOVEOccurs when a user moves the splitter bar control.
NOTESProgrammer defined; usually occurs when user selects a menu item or uses an accelerator key combination to get additional information. The NOTES event does not refer to Lotus Notes.
OLEThe OLE event is generated for each message generated by an OLE object that is requested using QUALIFY_EVENT.
OMNIEVENTUser-defined event.
OPTIONSProgrammer defined; usually occurs when user selects a menu item or uses an accelerator key combination to get additional information.
PAGEExecutes a specified page action.
POSCHANGEDOccurs when the position of the edit table cell with focus changes.
QBFABSGo to a specified position in a QBF (Query By Form) result list.
QBFFIRSTGo to first record in a QBF result list.
QBFINITInitialize the QBF mode.
QBFLASTGo to the last record in a QBF result list.
QBFNEXTGo to the next record in a QBF result list.
QBFPREVGo to a previous record in a QBF result list.
QBFRUNExecute a QBF query.
QBFTABLEDisplays a the records from a QBF result list in tabular format.
READRead data into a form from a database.
SIZEOccurs when a window's size or position has changed.
SUBMITPushButton, Static Text, Window
SYSMSGOccurs when form IO logic wants to report an error or warning.
TILEResize MDI children to fill the client area.
TIMEROccurs when the amount of time specified by the TIMER property has passed.
VSCROLLVertical scroll bar.
WINMSGThe WINMSG event is generated for each Windows message that is requested using QUALIFY_EVENT.
WRITEWrite data from a form to a database.



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