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In our How do I create a resource? article we introduced the GetObject service as a primary method for creating resource objects. To keep our documentation focused on creating a resource objects, we did not introduce hypermedia. Now we will use the same code sample and introduce a new service: AddLinkRelationship. The AddLinkRelationship service creates the HAL _links reserved property:

Code Block
API contacts.ID.GET

    KeyID           = EndpointSegment

    ColumnNames     = 'FIRST_NAME' : @FM : 'LAST_NAME' : @FM : 'ADDRESS' : @FM : 'CITY' : @FM : 'STATE' : @FM : 'ZIP'
    PropertyNames   = 'firstName' : @FM : 'lastName' : @FM : 'address' : @FM : 'city' : @FM : 'state' : @FM : 'zipCode'
    // Create a JSON object in memory.
    objResource     = HTTP_Resource_Services('GetObject', 'CONTACTS', KeyID, ColumnNames, PropertyNames)

    If Error_Services('NoError') then
        // Add _links sub-properties for HAL implementation.
        HTTP_Resource_Services('AddLinkRelation', objResource, 'self', FullEndpointURL)
        HTTP_Resource_Services('AddLinkRelation', objResource, 'collection', ParentURL)

    If Error_Services('NoError') then
        // Serialize the JSON object.
        jsonResource    = HTTP_Resource_Services('GetSerializedResource', objResource)
        // Set the response body with the serialized JSON object and set the Content-Type response header.
        HTTP_Services('SetResponseBody', jsonResource, False$, 'application/hal+json')
    end else
        // There is an error condition so call the SetResponseError service.
        HTTP_Services('SetResponseError', '', '', 500, Error_Services('GetMessage'), FullEndpointURL)

end api

By using the FullEndpointURL and the ParentURL prepopulated variables, we automatically have the self and collection hypermedia  relations ready to add to the reserved _links property:

Code Block
   "address":"6649 N Blue Gum St",
   "city":"New Orleans",

There is also a AddLinkRelations service. It's a wrapper around the AddLinkRelation service that allows the developer to pass in an @FM delimited list of relations and URLs into a single call. Developers will need to decide if the AddLinkRelations service provides enough convenience in lieu of multiple AddLinkRelation calls.