Versions Compared


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PropertyDescriptionVersion IntroducedPro Version Introduced
AutoDropEnables automatic dropping of tree items.  
AutoExpandDuringDragDetermines if items expand automatically while doing a drag and drop operation. 4.0.0
BackgroundThe control's background color(s).  
BorderThe controls's border style.  
BorderColorsCustomizes the colors of an SRP ActiveX Control's border.
ButtonsEnabledEnables expansion buttons.  
CancelCancels an operation during certain "pre" events.  
CheckBehaviorCheck box automation settings.  
CheckBoxConditionsConditions in which an item will display a check box. 
CloseButtonBehaviorClose Button automation settings.4.0.3 
CloseButtonColorsColor settings for all close buttons.4.0.3 
CloseButtonConditionsConditions in which an item will display a close button.4.0.3 
ColorsThe control color scheme.  
CtrlEntIdThe control's fully qualified name.  
DefAlignmentDefault data alignment for new items.  
DefCancelDefault value of Cancel property when "pre" events fire.n/a4.0.1
DefCheckBoxDefault check box setting for new items. 
DefCloseButtonDefault close button setting for new items.4.0.3 
DefColorsDefault color settings for new items.  
DefDraggableDefault draggable setting for new items.  
DefDroppableDefault droppable setting for new items.  
DefEnabledDefault enabled state for new items.  
DefExpandableDefault expandable setting for new items.  
DefExpandedDefault expanded state of new items.  
DefFontDefault font for new items.  
DefHeightDefault height for new items.  
DefHyperlinkThe default hyperlink setting for new items.  
DefSelectableDefault selectable setting for new items.  
DefSortDefault sort setting for new items.  
DefSwatchPositionDefault swatch position for new items.  
DefSwatchSizeDefault swatch size for new items.  
DefTypeDefault data type settings for new items.  
DefVisibleDefault visibility of new items.  
DragConditionCondition in which an item can be dragged.  
DragEnabledEnables drag and drop.  
DropBehaviorDrag and drop visual feedback settings.  
DropConditionCondition in which an item can be a drop target.  
DropSourcesAcceptable drag and drop sources  
EnterBehaviorEnter key automation settings.  
ExpandBehaviorExpansion automation settings.  
Filter A A condition statement applied to all items in the tree, hiding those that don't meet the condition. 4.0.0  
FocusThe control's focus state  
FocusItemThe tree item with focus  
FullRowSelectEnables selection of entire item width.  
GlyphImagesThe images used to render expansion buttons and check boxes.  
HtmlEnabledEnables HTML formatting.  
ImageConditionsConditions to determine which image an item will display.  
ImageEffectsConditions to determine which special effect to apply to an item's image.  
ImagesGlobal images to appear next to tree items.  
ImageSizeThe fixed size of tree item images. 4.0.0  
IndentThe offset of an item relative to its parent.  
ItemAn item's multivalue settings.  
ItemAlignmentAn item's data alignment.  
ItemCheckBoxAn item's check box setting.  
ItemCheckedAn item's check box value.  
ItemChildrenAn item's children.  
ItemClassAn item's application defined classification.  
ItemCloseButtonAn item's close button setting.4.0.3
ItemColorsAn item's color settings.  
ItemDataAn item's text.  
ItemDraggableEstablishes whether or not an item can be dragged.  
ItemDraggingDetermines if an item is being dragged.  
ItemDroppableEstablishes whether or not an item can be a drop target.  
ItemEnabledEnables or disables an item.  
ItemExpandableEstablishes whether or not the user can expand or collapse an item.  
ItemExpandedExpands or collapses an item.  
ItemFieldA user defined value associated to an item. 4.0.0  
ItemFieldsAll user defined values associated to an item. 4.0.0  
ItemFontAn item's font.  
ItemHeightAn item's height.  
ItemHotDetermines if the user is hovering over an item.  
ItemHyperlinkEstablishes whether or not an item behaves like a hyperlink.  
ItemImageAn item's image.  
ItemListThe list of all tree items in the control.  
ItemParentAn item's parent.  
ItemParentIsRootDetermines if the item is at the root level.  
ItemSelectableEstablishes whether or not the user can select an item.  
ItemSelectedDetermines if an item is selected.  
ItemSortAn item's sort setting.  
ItemSwatchColorAn item's sort setting.  
ItemSwatchPositionAn item's sort setting.  
ItemSwatchSizeAn item's sort setting.  
ItemTypeAn item's data type settings.  
ItemVisibleShows or hides an item.  
KeystrokeFindEnabledDetermines if the user can type on the keyboard to jump to an item. 4.0.0  
KeystrokeFindTimeThe time, in milliseconds, between keystrokes to continue a word when doing a keystroke search. 4.0.0  
LinesEnabledEnables hierarchy lines.  
ProgIDThe control's ProgId/Class Name.  
PromptsMessages to instruct or inform the user.  
RedrawTemporarily disables redrawing of the control.  
RootChildrenThe root item's children.  
RootIndentEnables indenting of root level items.  
RootSortThe root item's sort setting.  
SelectBehaviorSelection settings.  
SelectedItemsThe currently selected tree items.  
ShowFocusItemEnables the focus rectangle.  
TooltipsEnabledEnables tooltips.  
TopItemThe item currently at the top of the control.  
VersionThe control's version info.  
WordWrapEnables word wrapping.