Versions Compared


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PropertyDescriptionVersion IntroducedPro Version Introduced
ARRAYThe entire data contents of the table by field then record.  
AllowDeletionsAllows or prevents the user from using the delete key to delete records.  
AllowInsertsAllows or prevents the user from using the insert key to insert records.  
AutoColorsAutomatic coloring of rows and columns.  
AutoNumbersAutomatic numbering of field and record headers.  
BlankRowManagementPreferences for automatic adding/removing of bottom blank records.  
BorderThe control's border style.
BorderColorsCustomizes the colors of an SRP ActiveX Control's border.
BorderTypeDeprecated. Use Border insteadDeprecatedDeprecated
CancelCancels some edit table events.  
CellAlignmentThe placement of a cell's contents.  
CellButtonEnabledEstablishes whether a cell's button is enabled or disabled.n/a4.0.1
CellCaseForces a cell's text to UPPER or LOWER case.  
CellCheckThe state of a cell's check box.  
CellCheckEnabledEstablishes whether a cell's check box is enabled or disabled.  
CellColorsA cell's color scheme.  
CellComboDataA cell's combo box data.  
CellComboRowDataA cell's selected combo box row of data.  
CellComboSelPosA cell's combo box selection.  
CellConvA cell's validation and conversion settings.  
CellEditModeEstablishes a cell's behavior when selected.  
CellFontThe font used to render a cell's text.  
CellGridLinesModifies a cell's gridlines.  
CellImageA cell's image.  
CellImageLayoutSpecifies how the image is laid out withing the cell.  
CellMergeMerges two or more cells.  
CellMultilinedEstablishes whether a cell is single-lined or multi-lined.  
CellPaddingThe number of pixels between a cell's edge and it's contents.  
CellPromptA caption to appear within the cell, separate from the cell's contents.  
CellProtectionA cell's protection level.  
CellSelColorsA cell's color scheme when selected.  
CellSelPaddingThe number of pixels between a cell's edge and it's contents when it is selected.  
CellTextA cell's data. 
CellToolTipEnables or disables a cell's tooltip.4.1.20
CellTypeThe type of cell.  
ColumnDataAn entire column's data.  
ComboDropDownShows or hides the selected cell's combo box dropdown.  
DataColumnA data column's attributes.  
DataRowA data row's attributes.  
DblClickToEditWhether or not double clicking an unprotected cell puts it into edit mode.  
DefaultCancelBehaviorThe default Cancel property value.  
DimensionSets the number of columns and records  
EditContextMenuSets whether or not cells in edit mode show their default context menus during a right click or fire the OnClick event.3.0.
EditSelectionThe starting and end positions of the currently edited cell's selected text.  
EditTextThe current text of a cell while in edit mode.  
FocusThe control's focus state  
FreezePosThe data cell prevented from scrolling.  
FunctionKeyAssigns an action to a function key.  
HANDLEThe table's window handle.  
HeaderAlignmentThe placement of a header cell's contents.  
HeaderArrowA header cell's sort arrow.  
HeaderColorsA header cell's color scheme.  
HeaderColumnA header column's attributes.  
HeaderFontThe font used to render a header cell's text.  
HeaderImageA header cell's image.  
HeaderMergeMerges two or more header cells.  
HeaderMultilinedEstablishes whether a header cell is single-lined or multi-lined.  
HeaderPaddingThe number of pixels between a header cell's edge and it's contents.  
HeaderRowA header row's attributes.  
HeaderRowCountThe number of header rows.  
HeaderTextA header cell's data.  
HeaderToolTipA header cell's tooltip text  
HeaderTypeThe type of header cell.  
ImageListA single bitmap containing all images used by the table.  
LISTThe entire data contents of the table by record then field.  
MinCellSizeThe minimum possible size of rows and columns.  
ModifiedThe modified state of the current cell in edit mode.  
MultilineDelimThe delimiter to represent line breaks in cell text.  
NavKeyEnabledEnables or disables default navigation keys.  
NewRowCountThe number of rows the user addes adds when tabbing from the last data filled row.  
PassEnterKeyDetermines if the Enter key is passed to the OI window.  
ProgIDThe control's ProgId/Class Name.  
QuickTabOutThe table's navigation behavior.  
RecordDataAn entire record's data.  
RedrawEnables or disables redrawing of the control when setting properties.  
ResetSelPosForces the SelPos back to the upper-left most selectable cell.  
RowsToRecordsEstablishes a relationship between rows and records.  
ScrollBarsVisibleThe visibility preference for the scroll bars.  
ScrollPosThe top-left most visible cell beyond the FreezePos.  
ScrollStepThe number of rows and columns to scroll at a time.  
SelPosThe currently selected cell.  
SelectionStyleSets the colors and style used to draw selected cells.  
ShowBorderGridThe table's border-adjacent grid line bahaviorbehavior.  
ShowToolTipsEnables or disables the appearance of tooltips.  
SingleEscapeDetermines when the Escape key is passed to OpenInsight  
SuppressMouseMoveEventEnables or disables the mouse move event.  
TextRenderStyleThe algorithm used to render text.
TitleListThe captions of all column header cells.  
ToolTipDelayThe time, in milliseconds, before an in-place tooltip appears.  
TrimOutputEnables or disables the trimming of LIST and ARRAY data.  
VersionThe control's version info.  
WorkspaceBkColorThe background color of the unoccupied space in the table.