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EventDescriptionVersion IntroducedPro Version Introduced
BeforeUpdateFires when the user completes an item edit but before the changes are applied.n/a4.0.1
AfterUpdateFires when the user completes an item edit and the changes have been applied.n/a4.0.1
OnBalloonClickFires when the user clicks on a balloon tooltip.  
OnCharFires when the user presses a character key.  
OnClickFires when the user clicks on the control.  
OnContextMenuClickFired when a menu item on the custom context menu is clicked.2.0.1 
OnDblClickFires when the user double clicks on the control.  
OnDragEnterFires when the user drags tree items into the control area.  
OnDragExitFires when the user drags tree items out of the control area.  
OnDragStartFires when the user starts to drag tree items.  
OnDropFires when the user drops tree items onto the control.  
OnEditAbortFires when the user aborts an item edit so no changes are applied.n/a4.0.1
OnGotFocusFired when the control receives input focus.
OnItemCheckFires when the user checks or unchecks an item.  
OnItemCloseFires when the user clicks an item's close button.4.0.3
OnItemExpandFires when the user expands or collapses an item.  
OnLostFocusFired when the control loses input focus.
OnModifyKeyFires when the user presses a modification key.  
OnMouseEnterFired when mouse enters the control.
OnMouseExitFired when the mouse leaves the control.
OnSelChangeFires when the user changes the selection.  
OnVScrollFires when the user scrolls the tree vertically.