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The UserData parameter is added for convenience. This is useful for passing something unique to this control so that you can have a generic event handler make certain decisions. A table control might pass a cell coordinate and a hyperlink control might pass a string indicating it's type. It doesn't really affect the operation of the context menu; it's just for your convenience.


Code Block
 // Show a context menu with Paste disabled since the clipboard is empty
Menu = "" 
Menu<-1> = "CUT"    :@VM:"Cut"     :@VM:1
Menu<-1> = "COPY"   :@VM:"Copy"    :@VM:1
Menu<-1> = "PASTE"  :@VM:"Paste"   :@VM:0   ; // Disabled
Menu<-1> = ""                               ; // Separator 
Menu<-1> = "ZOOMIN" :@VM:"Zoom In" :@VM:1
Menu<-1> = "ZOOMOUT":@VM:"Zoom Out":@VM:1 

 SendSend_Message(Ctrl, "OLE.ShowContextMenu", "10,10", Menu, "My Special Data")
