Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Changes to the HTTP_Services module:
    • Update the AddSubProperty, AddSubResourceObject, and AddSubResource services to escape the property name to avoid problems with properties containing dots.
    • Update the SetRequestHeaderFields service to support OECGI 4.0.2 and the new AdditionalValues value of * by checking first to see if “HTTP_” is a prefix for the name before stripping it away.
    • Fix bug in CreateLogFile service so that the HTTPAdditionalValues section properly identifies HTTP_ prefixed names before stripping the prefix out.
    • Add the GetAPIVersion service.
    • Update the UpdateWebAPIs service to better manage multiple resource IDs in the URL so that that the actual resource is properly identified. This resolves the problem when attempting to create or update the API routine it was creating a bad procedure name.
    • Add the GetCookies and GetCookie services. These are wrappers around the GetHTTPCookie service and designed to be simpler to use for application use.
  • Changes to the HTTPClient_Services module:
    • Update the SendHTTPRequest service to support PowerShell scripts.
    • Replace the UseClientXMLHTTP argument with ClientToUse to allow for more than two client options.
    • Change method of encoding the body so special characters, like apostrophes, can be supported without creating unbalanced quotes.
    • Update the SendHTTPRequest to support binary downloads.
  • Changes to the NDW_HTTP_Framework_Setup_Events commuter:
    • Update the OLE_TRE_RESOURCES.OnSelChange event handler so that Resource IDs can create subordinate Resource IDs. This support the concept of the URL having more than one consecutive segment that are Resource IDs.
  • Changes to the Webaccounts_API module:
    • Added webaccounts.HEAD API. This appeared to be missing when all HEAD APIs were added.
  • Updated the SYSENV\SRP_HTTP_FRAMEWORK_RESOURCES and SYSENV\SRP_HTTP_FRAMEWORK_RESOURCES*FRAMEWORKS configuration rows so the webaccounts resource now includes GET/HEAD methods.
  • New API Module: Binary_API.
  • Changes to the Database_Services module:
    • Merged with other versions.


  • Changes to the HTTP_Services module:
    • Update the SetCookie service to use Max-Age instead of MaxAge.
    • Update the SetCookie service to assume any internal datetime value being passed in is in local time. Use the ToUTC service to convert to UTC/GMT time.
    • Update the SetCookie service to always append an equal sign (=) to the cookie's name, even if the value is empty. Otherwise, the correct cookie won't get referenced if the intent is to clear the value.
    • Rename GetNonAuthenticatedURLs service to GetNonAuthenticatedPaths and update the URLRequiresAuthentication service to call the new service name.
    • Update the URLRequiresAuthentication service to support query param validations.
    • Add the IsIPWhitelisted, GetBannedIPs, and IsIPBanned services.
    • Update the IPIsPermitted service to call the IsIPWhitelisted and IsIPBanned services to determine result.
    • Add the AddBannedIP and RemoveBannedIP services.
  • Changes to the HTTP_Authentication_Services module:
    • Update the AuthenticateRequest service to return a 403 status code rather than a 511 status code if the IP making the request is not permitted.
  • Changes to the NDW_HTTP_FRAMEWORK_SETUP form:
    • Replaced OI edit table controls with SRP EditTable controls for managing Non-Authenticated Paths (formerly Non-Authenticated URLs) and Whitelisted IPs.
    • Add new SRP EditTable and info button for Banned IPs.
  • Changes to the NDW_HTTP_Framework_Setup_Events commuter:
    • Replace EDT_NON_AUTHENTICATED_URLS (an OI edit table control) with OLE_EDT_NON_AUTHENTICATED_URLS (an SRP EditTable control) in preparation of adding new features.
    • Replace EDT_WHITELISTED_IPS (an OI edit table control) with OLE_EDT_WHITELISTED_IPS (an SRP EditTable control) to remain consistent with the OLE_EDT_NON_AUTHENTICATED_URLS control.
    • Replace all references to OLE_INFO_NON_AUTHENTICATED_URLS with OLE_INFO_NON_AUTHENTICATED_PATHS, including relevant labels and help verbiage. This is to better describe the purpose of this feature.
    • Make changes where needed to support the new Query Params column in the OLE_INFO_NON_AUTHENTICATED_PATHS control.
    • Make changes where needed to support Banned IPs.
  • Changes to HTTP_Framework_Setup_Equates:
  • Changes to the Database_Services module:
    • Add GetTableNames service.
  • Changes to the Logging_Services module:
    • Merged with other versions.


  • Changes to the HTTP_Services module:
    • Update the SetResponseError service to correct a typo. It was calling the SetErrorResponse service.
    • Update the GetResponseHeaderFields service to check the HTTPScriptName value and use LF$ instead of CRLF$ as the delimiter when OECGI is not the .EXE version.
  • Changes to the NDW_HTTP_Framework_Setup_Events commuter:
    • Fix minor typo in DisplayInfoHelp gosub.
  • Changes to the APIRoot_API module:
    • Fix a minor typo in the APIROOT.GET API.


  • Changes to the HTTP_Services module:
    • Update the SetResponseHeaderField service so the Append flag creates multiple Set-Cookie headers rather than folding them.
    • Add SetCookie service to make it easier to build a Set-Cookie response header.
  • Changes to the HTTPClient_Services module:
    • Fix a bug in the SendHTTPRequest service so that request headers are properly parsed. All colons were erroneously being converted to @VM instead of the first colon (which separated the header name from the header value).
    • Update the SetResponseHeaderField service to better support Set-Cookie headers.Allow multiple cookie names to be stored but only store the value of the last cookie name if it is duplicated.

    • Update the GetResponseHeaderField by adding a Delimiter argument so the caller can specify an alternative delimiter for the values being returned.

    • Add GetCookies service to make it easier to view all cookies returned in the response.

    • Add GetCookie service to make it easier to see the entire cookie string of a specified cookie.

    • Update the GetCookie service to include an IgnoreAttributes argument. If this is True$, then only the cookie name and value will be returned.
