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Cancels a potential drag operationan operation during certain "pre" events.


Code Block
Set_Property(OLECtrlEntID, "OLE.Cancel", Boolean)


The Cancel property is automatically set to 0 before the OnDragStart event is fired or BeforeUpdate events are fired. These events fire when a user starts and operation but before the operation is truly applied. If the drag operation is not desired, then setting this property to 1 during the event will abort the operation. Note that this only works if you qualify the aforementioned events synchronously.

Setting this to 1 during the OnDragStart event will prevent cancels the drag from occurringcompletely.It is much easier to set drag and drop behavior using the DragConditionDropConditionItemDraggable, or ItemDroppable properties. The OnDragStart event is useful only when the drag and drop rules are more complex

Settings this to 1 or 2 during the BeforeUpdate prevents the item's data from updating but leaves the item in edit mode. If you set this to 1, the item stays in edit mode with the cursor at the end of the text. If you set this to 2, the item stays in edit mode with all the text selected.


Code Block

   // Get the list of items to be dragged 
   Items = Param1 
   Convert ',' to @FM in Items 
   // Don't allow users to drag if any of the items are of the "Group" class 
   Cancel = 0 
   Pos = 1 
   Flag = "" 
       Remove Item From Items At Pos Setting Flag 
   While Item NE "" AND Cancel EQ 0 
       Class = Get_Property(CtrlEntId, "OLE.ItemClass[":Item:"]") 
       Cancel = Class _EQC "Group" 
   // Cancel if need be 
   Set_Property(CtrlEntId, "OLE.Cancel", Cancel) 

See Also
