Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


This property is formatted as an @FM delimited array of tree items. Each field in the array represents a single item, and the multivalue structure for the field is as follows:

<1, 1><1, 2>
LevelIntegerThe item's level in the tree 
KeyTextThe item's unique key 
<1, 3>
DataTextThe item's data
<1, 4>
Data Type  
<1, 4,
 <4, 1>
TypeOptionThe item's data type, used to make sorting most accurate and efficient
FormatFormatted StringThe item's data format, used to present the data to the user
<1, 5>
ClassTextThe item's class, an application specific string that can used for classification purposes
<1, 6>
ImageFormatted StringThe item's image, either a file or a key pointing to a global image
<1, 7>
<1, 7,
 <7, 1>
Text ColorColorThe color of the item's text
BackgroundColor FillThe item's background
<1, 8>
FontFontThe font used to render the item's data
Tahoma, 8 pt.
<1, 9>
<1, 9,
 <9, 1>
HorizontalOptionThe horizontal alignment of the item's data
VerticalOptionThe vertical alignment of the item's data
<1, 10>
SortOptionThe item's sort setting
<1, 11>
Check BoxOptionThe item's check box setting
<1, 12>
ExpandableBooleanWhether or not the item can be expanded or collapsed by the user
<1, 13>
HeightIntegerThe item's height
<1, 14>
HyperlinkBooleanWhether or not the item displays hyperlink feedback to the user
<1, 15>
SelectableBooleanWhether or not the item can be selected by the user
Swatch ColorColor FillA custom colored rectangle that appears at the beginning or end of an item
Swatch PositionOptionThe position of the swatch, if there is one: Left or Right
Swatch Size
 <18, 1>
WidthIntegerThe swatch width, in pixels, if there is one
 <18, 2>
HeightIntegerThe swatch height, in pixels, if there is one
FieldsList of user defined fields and their values: each value has the following format:
 <19, x, 1>
Field NameTextThe unique field name
 <19, x, 2>
Field ValueTextThe field's value

The first two values, Level and Key, must be included for every item. All other values are optional.


The first value of every item is its level within the tree. The level will be used to determine where the item fits within the hierarchy. If an item's level is greater than the item preceding it, then it becomes that item's child. Since the SRP Tree Control is a true hierarchy, the levels will be interpreted in terms of relativity, not actual value. For example, if you set item 1 to level 1 and item 2 to level 8, item 2 will still be a direct child of item 1.The first two values, Level and Key, must be included for every item. All other values are optional.


Every item has a unique key so it can be accessed directly later. This reduces the amount of tree traversal necessary to locate a particular item. An item's key can be any alphanumeric string, but it cannot be "" or "All" and it cannot contain delimiters, periods, or commas. If an item with the key already exists, then this item will not be added to the control.


See the Item property for more details on each of the possible values in the data structure.


Code Block
// Initialize the tree to boys and girls organized into teams 
// Note that we're setting only the Level, Key, Data, and Class values 
Items = "" 

// Blue Team 
Items<-1> = 1:@VM:"BlueTeam":@VM:"Blue Team":@VM:@VM:"BlueTeam" 
Items<-1> = 2:@VM:"Emma":@VM:"Emma":@VM:@VM:"Girl" 
Items<-1> = 2:@VM:"Ava":@VM:"Ava":@VM:@VM:"Girl" 
Items<-1> = 2:@VM:"Isabella":@VM:"Isabella":@VM:@VM:"Girl" 
Items<-1> = 2:@VM:"Sophia":@VM:"Sophia":@VM:@VM:"Girl" 
Items<-1> = 2:@VM:"Aiden":@VM:"Aiden":@VM:@VM:"Boy" 
Items<-1> = 2:@VM:"Ethan":@VM:"Ethan":@VM:@VM:"Boy" 
Items<-1> = 2:@VM:"Matthew":@VM:"Matthew":@VM:@VM:"Boy" 
Items<-1> = 2:@VM:"Noah":@VM:"Noah":@VM:@VM:"Boy" 

// Red Team 
Items<-1> = 1:@VM:"RedTeam":@VM:"Red Team":@VM:@VM:"RedTeam" 
Items<-1> = 2:@VM:"Madison":@VM:"Madison":@VM:@VM:"Girl" 
Items<-1> = 2:@VM:"Emily":@VM:"Emily":@VM:@VM:"Girl" 
Items<-1> = 2:@VM:"Kaitlyn":@VM:"Kaitlyn":@VM:@VM:"Girl" 
Items<-1> = 2:@VM:"Olivia":@VM:"Olivia":@VM:@VM:"Girl" 
Items<-1> = 2:@VM:"Jacob":@VM:"Jacob":@VM:@VM:"Boy" 
Items<-1> = 2:@VM:"Ryan":@VM:"Ryan":@VM:@VM:"Boy" 
Items<-1> = 2:@VM:"Jack":@VM:"Jack":@VM:@VM:"Boy" 
Items<-1> = 2:@VM:"Nicholas":@VM:"Nicholas":@VM:@VM:"Boy" 

// Unassigned 
Items<-1> = 1:@VM:"Unassigned":@VM:"Unassigned":@VM:@VM:"Unassigned" 
Items<-1> = 2:@VM:"Abigail":@VM:"Abigail":@VM:@VM:"Girl" 
Items<-1> = 2:@VM:"Hailey":@VM:"Hailey":@VM:@VM:"Girl" 
Items<-1> = 2:@VM:"Joshua":@VM:"Joshua":@VM:@VM:"Boy" 
Items<-1> = 2:@VM:"Logan":@VM:"Logan":@VM:@VM:"Boy" 

// Set the items 
Set_Property(@Window:".OLE_TREE", "OLE.ItemList", Items)
