Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Angle Brackets operator, Calculate function



Code Block
/* The following example shows you how to evaluate column values by reference to the dictionary column name.  */
/* The following function segment opens the SAMPLE_PRODUCTS table, then the dictionary of that table, then reads the desired row, using @ID, 
then reads the desired column value, using the dictionary column name. It returns the price of the specified item. */
key = "TCHBUL"    ;* the technical bulletins product
UnitPrice = ""    ;* initialize the return variable
@ID = key
Open table To tablevar Then
  Open "DICT ":table To @DICT Then
    Read @RECORD FROM tablevar, @ID Then
      UnitPrice = {RETAIL_PRICE}
    End Else
      status = Set_FSError( )
    End ;* Read
  End Else
    status = Set_FSError( )
  End  ;* Open dictionary
End Else
  status = Set_FSError( )
End  ;* Open table
/* Convert the value of RETAIL_PRICE, which is stored in internal format, to a display format. */
Return OConv(UnitPrice, "MD2,$")
The following three code segments are equivalent:
temp = {INV_AMT}
temp = Calculate( INV_AMT)
dict_field  = "INV_AMT"
field_value = Calculate(dict_field)
* Notice that in each case, the dictionary
* word INV_AMT is executed.
