Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The Image parameter accepts an index pointing to an image frame in the image specified by the ImageList property. The image is used on the face of the button. To specify the default drop down arrow image, leave the Image blank or set it to 0. If there is no image list defined, then a drop down arrow is used.


The HyperFont parameter is the Font to be used when the text is hot. A cell's text is hot when the mouse hovers over it. The HyperColor parameter is the Color to be used when the text is hot. When the text is not hot, then the cell's CellColors values are used.

The As Data parameter determines if the contents of a hyperlink cell are to be treated as data. If so, which is the default, then the contents can be manipulated using the LIST and ARRAY properties. If not, then ARRAY and LIST will skip the hyperlink cell altogether. The Editable parameter determines if the user may edit the contents of a hyperlink cell. When turned on, the user must double-click within the cell but outside of the hyperlink to enter into edit mode (or use accelerators).


The Push Button cell type converts the cell entirely into a button. This differs from the Option cell type in that an Option cell has a small button on the left side of the cell. You set a push button's caption and/or image using the cell's CellText and/or CellImage properties respectively. Alternatively, you may use the INSERT, ARRAY, and LIST properties to set button caption's as well.


The LIST Format parameter is a flag allowing you to change how the data array is interpreted. Normally, the third parameter (Data) must be in ARRAY format (@TM delimited columns with @STM delimited rows). By setting this parameter to 1 however, you can pass the Data in LIST Format (@TM delimited rows and @STM delimited columns). This flags also affects the CellComboData property. Thus, once you choose the LIST Format, all data interaction is in LIST format.


Code Block
// TEXT 

 // Set a text cell 
Set_Property(@Window:".OLE_EDITTABLE", "OLE.CellType[1; 1]", "Text") 


 // Set an option cell using the default drop-down image 
Set_Property(@Window:".OLE_EDITTABLE", "OLE.CellType[1; 1]", "Option") 

 // Set an option cell using an image from the ImageList property 
Set_Property(@Window:".OLE_EDITTABLE", "OLE.CellType[1; 1]", "Option":@FM:1) 


 // Set a hyperlink cell 
Set_Property(@Window:".OLE_EDITTABLE", "OLE.CellType[1; 1]", "Hyperlink") 

 // Set a hyperlink cell with custom font 
Set_Property(@Window:".OLE_EDITTABLE", "OLE.CellType[1; 1]", "Hyperlink":@FM:"Ariel":@SVM:"10") 

 // Set a hyperlink cell with custom font and color 
Set_Property(@Window:".OLE_EDITTABLE", "OLE.CellType[1; 1]", "Hyperlink":@FM:"Ariel":@SVM:"10":@VM:"{255, 0, 255}") 


 // Set a checkbox cell 
Set_Property(@Window:".OLE_EDITTABLE", "OLE.CellType[1; 1]", "Check Box") 

 // Set a flat checkbox cell 
Set_Property(@Window:".OLE_EDITTABLE", "OLE.CellType[1; 1]", "Check Box":@FM:1) 

 // Set a normal checkbox cell treating the check box state as data 
Set_Property(@Window:".OLE_EDITTABLE", "OLE.CellType[1; 1]", "Check Box":@FM:0:@VM:1) 


 // Set a push button cell with text and image 
Set_Property(@Window:".OLE_EDITTABLE", "OLE.CellType[1; 1]", "Push Button") 
Set_Property(@Window:".OLE_EDITTABLE", "OLE.CellText[1; 1]", "Push Me!") 
Set_Property(@Window:".OLE_EDITTABLE", "OLE.CellImage[1; 1]", 1) 

 // Set a push button cell whose text/image are NOT copied in new records 
Set_Property(@Window:".OLE_EDITTABLE", "OLE.CellType[1; 1]", "Push Button":@FM:0) 

 // Set a push button cell that can be pressed by hitting the ENTER key 
Set_Property(@Window:".OLE_EDITTABLE", "OLE.CellType[1; 1]", "Push Button":@FM:1:@VM:1) 


 // Set a flashing text cell 
Set_Property(@Window:".OLE_EDITTABLE", "OLE.CellType[1; 1]", "Flashing") 

 // Set a flashing text cell with custom color 
Set_Property(@Window:".OLE_EDITTABLE", "OLE.CellType[1; 1]", "Flashing":@FM:"{255, 0, 255}") 

 // Set a flashing text cell with custom color and delay 
Set_Property(@Window:".OLE_EDITTABLE", "OLE.CellType[1; 1]", "Flashing":@FM:"{255, 0, 255}":@VM:1000) 

 // Set a flashing text cell with custom color, delay, and with smoothing effect 
Set_Property(@Window:".OLE_EDITTABLE", "OLE.CellType[1; 1]", "Flashing":@FM:"{255, 0, 255}":@VM:1000:@VM:1) 


FirstNames = "Don"  :@STM:"Paul"    :@STM:"Frank":@STM:"Bob"      :@STM:"Kevin" 
LastNames  = "Bakke":@STM:"Simonsen":@STM:"Tomeo":@STM:"Fernandes":@STM:"Fournier" 
TypeData = "" 
TypeData<1>    = "Combo" 
TypeData<2, 1> = "First Name":@TM:"Last Name" 
TypeData<2, 2> = "L":@STM:100:@TM:"L" 
TypeData<2, 3> = FirstNames:@TM:LastNames 
TypeData<2, 4> = 2                          ;// column 2 contains the values we care about 
TypeData<2, 5> = 1                          ;// auto fill on 
TypeData<2, 6> = 0                          ;// case sensitive off 
TypeData<2, 7> = 10                         ;// 10 visible rows max 
TypeData<2, 8> = 0                          ;// Don't fire the OnOptionClick 
TypeData<2, 9> = 1                          ;// Reduce the list to partial matches 
TypeData<2, 10> = 0                         ;// Only show the drop down when the user types 
TypeData<2, 11> = 0                         ;// Do not use LIST Format 
TypeData<2, 12> = 1                         ;// Autofill on first names 
TypeData<2, 13> = 1                         ;// Hide dropdown when user clears cell 
TypeData<2, 14> = 0                         ;// Let navigation keys show the drop down 
TypeData<2, 15> = 0                         ;// Show the drop down regardless of the cell's contents 
TypeData<2, 16> = 0                         ;// Show the drop down during autofill 
TypeData<2, 17> = 1                         ;// Remove selection when user backspaces/deletes 
TypeData<2, 18> = 0                         ;// Show Popup while in read only mode 
TypeData<2, 19> = 1                         ;// Show Popup When Navigating 
TypeData<2, 20> = 1                         ;// Always Tab Out on Enter 
TypeData<2, 21> = -1                        ;// Always show the dropdown above when close to the screen bottom 
Set_Property(@Window:".OLE_EDITTABLE", "OLE.CellType[1; All]", TypeData)

See Also
